Friday, April 23, 2010

FINALLY (by Darren)

After searching for a WHOLE night and afternoon (my exasperation is a 1/2 joke) for some prenatal clinics in Calgary we found one.

I have a love/hate relationship with 5% tax Alberta.

We've officially registered for an Early Pregnancy class, as well as a Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy class. The best part is that they're free!! Thanks tax-payers of Alberta!

What makes this pregnancy a little complicated is that we're leaving in 2 - 3 weeks for South Asia where eating habits are completely different -- from the types of proteins, to the types of fruits, and vegetables. For example, we won't be able to eat beef over there, or raw vegetables, and we can only eat fruits with thick peels (ie: bananas, or oranges).

Definitely not the most "convenient" time to be preggers, but it's God's time.

I've also been watching lots of "How you fetus is developing" videos on YouTube. AMAZING.

Right now Little Tarren is the size of a sesame seed.

A SESAME SEED. How crazy is that eh?!

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