Friday, February 18, 2011

Seb's PEI Surprise

Seb & I decided to surprise my family in PEI with a visit. I told only my parents and my sister, Krista. It was so much fun keeping the secret, especially as our departure date got closer. But the best part was seeing the look on the kids faces when they saw Seb & I!!! So many fun memories from the first days. Here are a few of my favourites so far....

We arrived at midnight so my mom picked us up and everyone was asleep when we arrived at home. We went into Emma's room to look for something and she woke up. She looked up in a sleepy daze and after about 10 seconds said "Where did you come from?" We laughed and laughed!

Seb & I slept in and as we walked down the stairs, we saw Derek smiling. Next, we saw Anna, also sporting a very wide smile. I pass Seb to her, she was the first one to hold him. So lucky!

Matthew was also sitting on the couch, smiling at us. Anna had been telling everyone that we were home but no one believed her! She was showing Jordan my boots and saying I was home but he thought they were Allison's boots. He also smiled when he walked in the room and saw us.

My family goes to sing at the manor every second Wednesday so Seb & I went along thanks to Jordan's help getting ready (he made a lunch for me and put Seb in his carseat while I got ready). At the manor, I saw my grampie so I walked over and whispered, "Hi grampie!" He replied, "Who's this?" (My grampie is blind). I said, "It's Tara!" He said, "When did you get home? No one said a word!" and smiled really widely! I passed him Seb to him and snapped this picture.

We went to visit my grandmother and we had a great time seeing old pictures and hearing stories about her life as a child. My great great grandparents lived on a farm in Farmington, just down to road from her parents. Although my grandmother lived with her grandparents, her parents owned a sawmill so she had to help work at the mill by bundling shingles.So many interesting stories I had never heard before!

I took a nap in the afternoon, with so many helpers it is easy to take a break! Patrick LOVES holding babies and so does Emma! I have barely had to change a diaper or put Seb into his carseat or hold him when he isn't eating. There are so many happy helpers who want to change him, hold him and chat with him.

So fun to be home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such sweet memories to cherish. And I can't blame everyone for wanting to hold Seb!!! ~ Mary E.