Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seb's Third Month

Seb had a very eventful third month of developments that was worth celebrating with a first try in the Jolly Jumper! He LOVED it and so did we!


Unfortunately, Seb still very much dislikes his carseat, especially for long trips. Our theory is that he either gets bored or tired and then annoyed because he can't fall asleep in there (too bad he wasn't like his Daddy!). He was pretty excited to try out the big boy seat in his stroller. He is now happier for much longer in the stroller.


Seb learned to hold up his head this month and as a result, he is liking tummy time much more. Daddy worked hard to help Sebby develop his neck muscles and is very proud!


His record for consecutive hours of sleep is now 6 hours, however, it varies quite a bit from night to night. We were thankful for how well he slept during our stay at the hotel in Toronto, at least 5 consecutive hours each night!

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